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一. 基本信息:

1. 博士,教授;

2. 研究领域:无线通信

3.电子邮箱: [email protected]



博士、教授、硕士生导师, 研究方向主要包括:(1)基于新一代无线通信技术(包括无线信息与能量同传、智能反射面辅助通信、反向散射辅助通信等)的物联网优化算法设计与系统开发;(2)物联网与车联网场景下的边缘计算优化算法设计与系统开发;(3)无人机通信系统优化算法设计与系统开发;(4)基于机器学习与人工智能的无线通信系统优化算法设计与系统开发。担任IEEE Transactions on CommunicationsIEEE Transactions on Vehicle TechnologyIEEE Signal Processing LettersIEEE Communications LettersIET Signal ProcessingIET Communications等学术期刊审稿人、 IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) 国际会议TPC成员。发表高水平论文20余篇,先后主持包括国家级、省部级的科研项目7项,参与科研项目10余项。



2007-2012  中山大学  通信与信息系统  博士

2001-2004  中山大学  无线电物理  硕士

1997-2001  兰州大学  无线电物理  学士



 2004.72022.6 足球竞猜平台 ,先后担任助教、讲师、副教授

◆  2022.7 - 至今 足球竞猜平台 ,教授


20172018 作为国家留学基金委公派访问学者先后在英国罗伯特戈登大学和新西兰奥克兰大学访学



1. 研究生课程:矩阵理论与方法,最优化理论

2. 本科生课程:计算机通信与网络技术,复变函数与积分变换,MATLAB程序设计,数字信号处理




[1] 罗至威(研究生),黄高飞(通讯作者). Energy-Efficient Mobile Edge Computing in RIS-aided OFDM-NOMA Relay Networks, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol.72, No.4, pp. 4654-4669, 2023. SCI JCR Q1

[2] 黄栩蔚(研究生),黄高飞(通讯作者). Joint optimization of energy and task scheduling in wireless-powered IRS-assisted mobile edge computing systems, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol.10, No.12, pp. 10997-11013, 2023. SCI JCR Q1

[3] 兆年(研究生),黄高飞(通讯作者),钟期洪,郑晖,赵赛, UAV-Aided Vehicular Communication Design with Vehicle Trajectory’s Prediction. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, Vol.8, No.6, pp. 1212-1216, 2021. SCI JCR Q1

[4] 龙钰斯(研究生),黄高飞(通讯作者),唐冬,赵赛,刘贵云.  Achieving high throughput in wireless networks with hybrid backscatter and wireless-powered communications. IEEE Internet of Things of Journal, Vol.8, No.13, pp. 10896-10910, 2021 SCI JCR Q1

[5] 胡叠丽(研究生),黄高飞(通讯作者),唐冬,赵赛,郑晖. Joint Task Offloading and Computation in Cooperative Multicarrier Relaying Based Mobile Edge Computing Systems. IEEE Internet of Things of Journal, Vol.8, No.14, pp. 11487-11502, 2021 SCI JCR Q1

[6] 黄高飞,钟期洪,郑晖,赵赛,唐冬.  Improving throughput in SWIPT-based wireless multirelay networks with relay selection and rateless codes, Digital Communications and Networks, 2023, DOI//doi.org/10.1016/ j.dcan.2023. 01.012. SCI JCR Q1

[7] 黄高飞,涂万青,A high-throughput wireless-powered relay network with joint time and power allocationsComputer Networks (Elsevier),  Vol.160pp.65-67, 2019 SCI JCR Q1

 [8] 黄高飞,涂万青,On Opportunistic Energy Harvesting and Information Relaying in Wireless-Powered Communication NetworksIEEE AccessVol.6, pp. 55220 - 55233, 2018 SCI JCR Q1

[9] 黄高飞,张旗,秦家银, Joint time switching and power allocation for multicarrier decode-and-forward relay networks with SWIPTIEEE Signal Processing LettersVol.22, No.12pp. 2284 - 2288, 2015 SCI JCR Q2

 [10]黄高飞,唐冬,Wireless Information and Power Transfer in Two-way OFDM Amplify-and-Forward Relay NetworksIEEE Communications LettersVol.20, No.8, pp.1563-1566, 2016 SCI JCR Q2

[11] 黄高飞,涂万青,Optimal Resource Allocation in Wireless-Powered OFDM Relay NetworksComputer Networks (Elsevier), Vol.104pp.94-107, 2016 SCI JCR Q1

[12] 黄高飞,涂万青,Joint Power Splitting and Power Allocation for Two-way OFDM Relay Networks with SWIPTComputer Commutations (Elsevier), Vol.124pp.76-86, 2018 SCI JCR Q2

[13] 黄高飞,唐冬,赵赛,秦家银,Optimal simultaneous wireless information and energy transfer in OFDMA decode-and-forward relay networksWireless Networks (Springer) Vol.23, No.6,  pp 1731–1742, 2017SCI JCR Q3

[14] 黄高飞,涂万青,Wireless information and energy transfer in nonregenerative OFDM AF relay systems , Wireless Personal Communications Springer, Vol.94, No. 4, pp.3131–3146, 2017. SCI JCR Q3

[15] 黄高飞,林展凯,唐冬,秦家银,QoS-driven jointly optimal power and bandwidth allocation for heterogeneous wireless networks, IET Electronics Letters, vol.51, no.1pp. 122- 124, 2015SCI JCR Q3

[16] 黄高飞,罗丽平,张广驰,杨平,唐冬,秦家银,QoS-driven jointly optimal subcarrier pairing and power allocation for decode-and-forward OFDM relay systems. Wireless Personal Communications Springer, vol.71, no. 3, pp.1597-1618, 2013 SCI JCR Q3

[17] 黄高飞,张广驰,张萍,唐冬,秦家银,Resource allocation for OFDM relay systems with statistical QoS guarantees. International Journal of Communication Systems Willey, vol.27, no. 12, pp.4492–4509, 2014 SCI JCR Q3

[18] 黄高飞,涂万青,罗丽平,张萍,张广驰,秦家银,QoS-driven jointly optimal subcarrier pairing and power allocation for OFDM amplify-and-forward relay systems. International Journal of Communication Systems Willey, vol.27, no. 7, pp. 991–1008, 2014 SCI JCR Q3

[19] 黄高飞,罗丽平,张广驰,唐冬,秦家银,具有时延QoS保证的OFDM中继系统子载波配对与功率分配算法,电子学报vol.41, no.2pp.335-3392013 EI期刊,中文核心).

[20] 黄高飞,涂万青,唐冬,Optimal resource allocation in OFDM decode-and-forward relay systems with SWIET, in Proc. of 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2015), pp.712-717, 2015 (EI).

[21] 黄高飞,张广驰,郑晖,唐冬,胡晓,QoS-driven resource allocation scheme for the OFDM amplify-and-forward relay system, in Proc. of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, 2011 (WiCom’11), pp23-25, 2011 (EI)

[22] 黄高飞,郑晖,唐冬,OFDMA中继系统下行链路资源分配算法研究,系统仿真学报vol.2, no.11pp.2314-23182012 (中文核心)

[23] 黄高飞,唐冬,郑晖,OFDMA中继系统下行链路公平资源分配算法研究,计算机应用研究vol.28, no.11pp.4278-42812011 (中文核心)

[24] 黄高飞,张萍,张广驰,唐冬,秦家银,协作CDMA系统上行链路功率控制策略及优化算法研究,中山大学学报vol.49, no.6, pp32-37, 2010. (中文核心)

[25] 黄高飞,郑晖,唐冬,OFDMA中继系统资源分配算法研究,广州大学学报vol.12, no.2, pp59-65, 2012.



[2] 能量转换方法、系统、可读存储介质及计算机设备, 专利号ZL201910230126.0,  2021.07.13




[6] 一种基于能量调度的通信系统及其通信吞吐量优化方法, 专利号ZL 20201 0987098.X2023.08.25




[1] 基于能量分集的信息缓冲与电池辅助无线携能协作通信研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目编号618720982019.01-2022.12,主持;

[2] 基于新型中继能量接收机的无线可充电协作通信研究,广东省自然科学基金面上项目,项目编号2017A0303133632017.05-2020.05,主持;

[3] 同频干扰下无线携能认知OFDM协作通信系统设计及其关键技术研究,广东省科技计划项目,项目编号2016A0101010322016.1-2018.12,主持;

[4] 基于能量分集的无线可充电协作通信系统设计与优化,广东省普通高校特色创新项目,项目编号2016KTSCX104, 2017.1-2018.12,主持;

[5] 基于QoS保障的分布式小型化MIMO基站关键技术研究,广州市科技计划项目,项目编号2014J41002332013.4-2016.3,主持;

[6] 认知OFDM中继系统跨层优化研究,广州市属高校科研项目,项目编号12014213292014.4-2017.3,主持;

[7] 具有时延QoS保证的OFDM中继系统跨层优化研究,广州大学新苗计划项目,2013.1-2014.12,主持.

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